The Celtic Cross

The most popular and well-known of all of the tarot spreads is the Celtic Cross 10 card spread. Get your free reading below.

The Moon Tarot Card
The 6 Cups Tarot Card
The Ten of Wands Tarot Card
Ace Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Love Health Wealth
3 Of Cups Tarot Card
Star Tarot Card
High Priestess Tarot Card
The Ten of Cups tarot card
Temperance tarot card
8 pentacles

Card reading

The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon

The Moon is a very emotional and intuitive card. It calls to light your deepest and darkest desires. When the Moon is present it is a time to be aware of how your physical health is being affected by your mental health. It can also represent being very aware to almost a hyper vigilant state, being over sensitive, and madness. Remember that fits of madness also often lend themselves to time of genius inspiration and if you are feeling exceptionally out of sorts that all of your pent up energy can be used for the greater good of your life.
The 6 Cups Tarot Card

Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is a pleasant little card that can indicate that there are a lot of positive energies surrounding you at this time… so long as they are balanced. Right now your main focus needs to be on the simple approaches and avoid making anything too complicated or overly ornate so that you don’t miss your goal or deadline. This card represents nostalgia and ideal times of your life.
The Ten of Wands Tarot Card

The Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands has appeared in your reading to tell you that you have taken on far more then you can handle. Your plate is too full, and you are over burdened by the expectations that you have placed on yourself. Now you feel utterly blocked both emotionally and physically, and your spirit is downtrodden. However this is the time in your journey where you must complete a major spiritual initiation. Initiation periods in life are extremely uncomfortable, but if we didn’t have to experience them, we would never make any progress. These are the times that feel the most constricted, the most painful, and the most difficult to work through.
Ace Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Love Health Wealth

Ace of Cups

Each Ace of the Rider Waite deck emphasizes new beginnings on various levels. If you have received the Ace of Cups in your reading, then you either being blessed or will be blessed with a very promising time in your life. The Ace of Cups is like a giant gift from the Heaven. The card itself depicts an image of a hand that is stretching outward from the heavens.
3 Of Cups Tarot Card

Three of Cups

When the Three of Cups has a central focus in your reading it is a sign that you are being blessed by a season of success and abundance, for which you can achieve much. This card is a celebratory one. There is no work, only play. Now you have done what you needed to get by and you have some time to relax.
Star Tarot Card

The Star

Lucky you! If the Star card is coming up in your reading then you should feel just a little bit special. The universe shines it light on you through the Star card bringing forth peace, tranquility, and most of all hope. The Star card represents a true connection with the divine and that there are favorable energies guiding you at this time. You are on the right path. You are making the right decision. You must trust in yourself as you already have the answer that you seek.
High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess

The high priestess is the ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation. If you receive the High Priestess in your reading then the time has come for you to understand the balance necessary to get what you want out of life. She is the mystery of the mother, of the moon and of life. The High Priestess is a guiding card, telling you that right now you are on a path of enlightenment.
The Ten of Cups tarot card

The Ten of Cups

When you have received this card, you can know that everything you are wondering about or wanting is going to come into fruition for you. This means that you have nothing to worry about. Whether this is regarding love or a relationship, work and money or family, the subject of your reading will be blessed.
Temperance tarot card


The Temperance card often comes up in a reading when you need to learn or understand the concept of all things in moderation. It begs the question: In what ways are you over extending yourself or being too rigid? Like most cards in the Rider Waite deck, this card is rich in symbolism. Temperance by its very meaning is a bending of ones will to direction of the almighty. The card depicts this through multiple layers of symbolism.
8 pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles gives you a taste of success but reminds you that you can’t have what you want overnight. There is a goal in sight for you right now and you are on the right path – learning new tricks, creating healthy environments around you, and otherwise doing what you can to succeed. The Eight of Pentacles is a reminder not to give up and to continue on the path that you are on now.